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  • Our Purpose

    To Fund the Fight to

    End Human Trafficking

  • Our Problem

    The United States is the #1 "retailer" of child-sex trafficking. More people are enslaved today in this Modern Day slavery than when the slave trade was legal, and these people are children. This business is lucrative for criminals as they can only sell a drug once, but a child can be sold 5-10 times per day.

  • Our Promise

    Invest 10% of profits to fight human trafficking.

    We will highlight and give to local, national, and international heroes who have boots on the ground and fight this atrocity. When we can't be there in person, we can financially support the warriors that are.

  • Our Solution

    We put on the armor of God to stand against the schemes of the enemy. Human trafficking is one of those schemes.

    Even in the midst of this huge problem, we are not powerless. We use our resources to help fund rescues and support redemption centers.